Tuesday, May 1, 2012


It was a stormy day.The ship started bouncing in late hours of the evening. And we bounced , bounced and bounced all the way from   kaohsiung to keelung. Expecting bad weather, the deck team had spent hours lashing various bits and pieces to other bits and pieces. It was number 8 on the beaufort scale, with winds reaching 60-70 km/h.     Not the worst I have been through, but certainly not best time for a stroll on deck for sure. Most of the campaign team from taiwan had been decimated on arrival, the bad weather casualties being visibly missing from the lunch table. But all said and done , It is such a thrill , to feel the ship constantly move underneath your feet. To step out and hear the waves smashing against the steel hull , sending a fine mist of salty water across the ship. Its spectacular. Every time I step out on deck , I marvel , feel a smile speeding across my salt water covered face. And I remind myself that one misstep , would be the end. There is no saving anyone in this, The edge of the ship is like the edge of a cliff. to davy jones locker, as they used to say. Macabre thought, maybe, but one that brings into perspective the life we lead. There is very often no place for stupidity, or mistakes in this life. And at sea, I am full of gratitude to someone somewhere, for letting me lead it. Every time.

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