when I was a young man, (younger than today) ,I read a book that changed my perception (more than others) . It was a brilliant piece of fantasy by Salman Rushdie called ´Haroun and the sea of stories´.
The book is about a second moon of our planet, a place called Kahani, where all the stories originate. There is a huge ocean full of stories and every wave in the ocean changes the story as it mixes with another one, creating an everlasting flux of stories
10 years later, I found myself on kahani. For this is what I think of our dear rainbow warrior. Every inch of it is crawling with untold stories (and other strange bugs, but lets not go there now)
Every place we go, we create new stories, retell old ones and let them swim into the cosmos, clashing with the waves of corporate crime, of profits before lives of all the bad things that are tearing our planet into pieces. I wonder who will win, which story will fade and which one will change the world. I dont know ,nobody knows.
But we try. Captain Mike Fincken is an extrodinary storyteller. the walrus , the king of gup. I hope he leads this boat full of love ,hapiness and crazy stories into a new world. A slightly better one.
Captain Daniel Rizotti (the captain before Mike) used to say that this boat is nothing but steel, a cold lifeless material, but it is us who make this boat the Rainbow Warrior. We are the rainbow warrior , not this boat, not the one that was bombed and sunk by the french in 1985, not the one that is going to follow . But We. and our stories are going to change the world.
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